Wooribyul has secured the foundation of wired/wireless communication, network solution and new technology.
We will provide solutions optimized for the next future-generation communication system (C6I) in preparation for the 6G era.
Core System for Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) Tactical Information Communication Network (TICN)
It is a communication-based system that guarantees real-time command and control of reconnaissance and surveillance, command decision, and real strike in Network-Centric Warfare (NCW). It is divided into five subsystems; Network control system (NCS)/ tactical IP switch (TIPS), tactical mobile communication system (TMCS), low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS), tactical multiband multirole radio (TMMR)
tactical mobile communication system (TMCS) |
tactical IP switch (TIPS) |
low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), |
high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS) |
PRODUCT by Wooribyul Co., Ltd.
Main components of Tactical Amplification unit (TAU) Main component of the tactical multifunction terminal (TMFT) |
Main components of analog connection equipment for other system interlocking equipment (SIM, RIM, PIM) |
Multiple Link Radio (MLR), Circuit card assembly in the multi-link wireless interface of multiple link radio (MPIM) |
Band-X (TX/RX), Band-III (TX/RX) |
It is the core system of Network Centric Warfare (NCW) of the future warfare which consists of five main systems :
Network control system (NCS)/ tactical IP switch (TIPS), tactical mobile communication system (TMCS),
low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS),
tactical multiband multirole radio (TMMR)
(TMCS : Tactical Mobile Communication System)
A system that supports the vicinity of the command post and mobile communication base stations
Wooribyul Co., Ltd. is supplying the tactical multi-function terminal (TMFT) developed together with system companies and the main control panel of the tactical amplification unit (TAU), which is mounted on the command post vehicle to extend the mastery distance.
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It is the core system of Network Centric Warfare (NCW) of the future warfare and consists of five main systems :
Network control system (NCS)/ tactical IP switch (TIPS), tactical mobile communication system (TMCS), low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS), tactical multiband multirole radio (TMMR)
(TIPS : Tactical IP Switching System)
A system that provides voice/video communication and exchange functions
Wooribyul Co., Ltd. is supplying major modules for interlocking equipment with other systems, which are the main components of exchange sets developed together with system companies.
Wooribyul Co., Ltd. PRODUCTS
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Interfaces with other systems - SIM (SPIDER connection panel)
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Interfaces with other systems - RIM (RSC connection panel)
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Interfaces with other systems - PIM (PABX interface board)
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Interfaces with other systems - VPM (voice processing group)
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Interfaces with other systems - MCM (main control panel)
It is the core system of Network Centric Warfare (NCW) of the future warfare and consists of five main systems :
Network control system (NCS)/ tactical IP switch (TIPS), tactical mobile communication system (TMCS), low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS), tactical multiband multirole radio (TMMR)
(LCTRS : Low Capacity Trunk Radio System)
A system that provides or relays a 1:1 link and a 1:N link, which is composed of a multiple link radio(MLR) and a single link radio(SLR), providing a wireless trunk link between Units’ communication stations.
Wooribyul Co., Ltd. is supplying circuit card assembly (MPIM) in multi-link wireless interface of multiple link radio(MLR), which is Low Capacity Trunk Radio System developed together with system companies.
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Multi-link Transceiver-MPIM (Multi-Link Transmitter Packet Transmission Processing Unit)
It is the core system of Network Centric Warfare (NCW) of the future warfare and consists of five main systems :
Network control system (NCS)/ tactical IP switch (TIPS), tactical mobile communication system (TMCS), low capacity trunk radio system (LCTRS), high capacity trunk radio system (HCTRS), tactical multiband multirole radio (TMMR)
(HCTRS : High Capacity Trunk Radio System)
A system that enables command and control or tactical internet during maneuvers so that support the commander's command decision quickly by sharing the operational situation in real time. Provides integrated support for voice/data/video at high speed and large capacity, links between corps/division region node-node communication centers and units-unit communication centers
Wooribyul Co., Ltd. is supplying Band-X (Tx/Rx) and Band-III (Tx/Rx) filters of software, which are major equipment for High Capacity Trunk Radio System developed together with system companies.
item | Filter, For transmit filter, For band-X |
Filter, For transmit filter, For band-X |
Printed circuit board, Assembly 3, transmission filter, Band-III |
Printed circuit board, Assembly 3, For transmit filter, Band-III |
Input switch, For transmit filter, , For band-X |
Output switch,, For transmit filter, , For band-X |
Input switch, For transmit filter, For band-X |
Output switch,, For transmit filter, For band-X |
weight | 780g or less | 780g or less | 150g or less | 150g or less | 180g or less | 210g or less | 180g or less | 260g or less |
standard[mm] | width 125.9土0.5 length 150.0土0.5 height 18.0土0.5 |
width 125.9土0.5 length 150.0土0.5 height 18.0土0.5 |
139.5X211.0 X1.6(土0.2) |
139.5X211.0 X1.6(土0.2) |
49.0X147.5 X16.5(土0.4) |
64.0X143.0 X16.5(土0.4) |
49.0X147.5 X16.5(土0.4) |
70.0X143.0 X16.5(土0.2) |
temperature condition | room temperature(+23ºC) low temperature(-32ºC) high temperature(+43ºC) |
room temperature(+23ºC) low temperature(-32ºC) high temperature(+70ºC) |
frequency | 0.000~0.0000 GHz |
0.000~0.0000 GHz |
0.000~0.0000 GHz |
0.000~0.0000 GHz |